When approached by SoapNet to create some trade ads, they handed us the library of two whole pictures we could use of no other than Susan Lucci. Now, no offense to Mrs. Lucci, but one person does not make an entire network (not to mention it’s a SoapOpera Network, let’s have fun with it!).
We decided to make SoapNet a living and breathing soap. When else in life can you do that and be taken seriously? Now most ads in these pubs are filled with the glossy pictures of the network stars and leading shows, we did the opposite. We created a series of copy driven ads that really popped as you flipped through the pages. The contrast of styles caught a lot of attention and commentary due to their smart aleck tone. These proved to be not only engaging, but truly effective.
Business cards featured factual contact info on the front and scandalous stories on their alter egos on the back.
For the trade convention it was a hard to compete with the budgets of established networks so rather than hiring entertainers and creating an extravagant booth, we got people thinking before they left their hotel by hanging door hangers on their hotel room doors. With smart comments we got people involved in the soap opera scandal and drove a ton of traffic and sales.
As quarterly mailings for service providers we engaged them with SoapNet by sending custom made voodoo dolls with a plastic sleeve where you could slide in your nemesis’s face. We also sent eaves dropping kits and spy recording pens.
Voodoo face loading app
get revenge on your nemesis
On the consumer level we introduced an app where you can apply your nemesis’s face to a voodoo doll and do what you wanted to them.