AD+World Health aka Amrit Davaa World Health

Client Challenge:
Amrit Davaa World Health Organization approached us with a significant branding issue. Their name was often mispronounced, misspelled, and difficult to remember. This confusion led to minimal site traffic and weak brand recognition.

Insight & Strategy:
The solution was clear: simplify the name to create a more memorable and actionable identity. We rebranded the organization to AD+ World Health Organization, turning the name into a call to action.

By introducing AD+, we emphasized the collaborative nature of their work. The “+” signified the power of collective action, aligning perfectly with their mission driven by volunteers and donations. This rebranding effort was designed to make people feel part of a larger cause.

Tagline Development:
The new tagline, “What do you AD+ to the world?” encapsulated this vision. It posed a direct question, inviting everyone to contribute and be part of the global effort to make a positive impact.


Creative Elements:
Business cards were designed to be conversation starters. Featuring over 50 different back designs, each card showcased unique ways individuals could AD+ to the world. This not only provided a window into the organization’s mission but also engaged new contacts in a personal and memorable way as they chose their preferred card.

The rebranding to AD+ World Health Organization led to a significant increase in website traffic and engagement. The name change, coupled with the engaging tagline and innovative business cards, made the organization more approachable and amplified their message, driving greater involvement and support.

By simplifying the name and creating a compelling call to action, we transformed Amrit Davaa World Health Organization into AD+ World Health Organization. This rebranding effort successfully enhanced their visibility and connected them with a broader audience, inspiring more people to AD+ to the world.
