GSM Medical Conference

Client Challenge:
GSM Medical Conference aimed to unite pharmaceutical scientists under one roof to discuss and showcase advancements in holistic health, starting from the cellular level. The goal was to create a conference experience that highlighted the impact of these scientific advancements on everyday life and the world at large.

Insight & Strategy:
We identified that GSM’s mission to unlock the power of the human genome could resonate deeply with attendees by emphasizing their pivotal role in this mission. Our strategy was to inspire participants by showcasing how their work drives significant progress in human health and transforms the healthcare industry.


Our comprehensive approach to the GSM Medical Conference included:

  • Mission Statement: “Inspire limitless potential” set the tone for the conference, inviting participants to engage with the mission of unlocking the power of the human genome to improve human health.
  • Branding & Visual Identity: Developed a cohesive visual identity that reflected the advanced scientific focus of the conference while emphasizing a holistic approach to health.
  • Event Design: Curated an engaging environment that fostered collaboration and inspiration, with spaces designed for networking, discussions, and presentations.
  • Content Development: Created compelling presentations and materials that highlighted GSM’s advancements at the cellular level and their broader impact on everyday life and global health.
  • Digital & Print Campaigns: Implemented targeted campaigns to attract top pharmaceutical scientists and key industry players, emphasizing the transformative potential of their work.
  • Interactive Experiences: Designed interactive exhibits and demonstrations that allowed attendees to see first-hand the impact of genomic advancements on health.


Creation of Materials:
We developed a range of materials to enhance the conference experience:

  • Banners: Illustrated the attendees’ participation in the world. As attendees entered the space, banners transitioned from showing the cellular level they are used to, zooming out to showcase the whole object, and further zooming out to show its place in the world.
  • Wayfinders: Directed attendees with motivational themes. Signs to the coffee shop offered “Motivation,” directions to the speakers’ hall offered “Inspiration,” and the check-in area was labeled “Catalyst.”
  • T-Shirts: Branded attendees as “Game Changers,” “Catalysts,” and “Rule Breakers.”
  • Conference Booklets: Followed the overall strategy, reinforcing the mission and the attendees’ roles.



Tagline Development:
“Together, let’s drive evolution and growth.” This tagline underscored the collaborative spirit of the conference and the shared mission of advancing human health.

Creative Elements:

  • Impactful Visuals: Used graphics and animations to illustrate complex genomic concepts in an accessible and engaging way.
  • Personalized Communication: Tailored invitations and messages that recognized the unique contributions of each participant, reinforcing their critical role in the mission.
  • Holistic Health Focus: Integrated sessions on how genomic science influences not just physical health but also mental and emotional well-being.

Mission Statement for Attendees:
“We are on a mission to unlock the power of the human genome, to improve human health and transform the healthcare industry, and you are at the core of the progress. Your work propels the GSM mission exponentially and extends the effects of our discoveries globally. You are a catalyst, a change-agent, and a key player at the moment of impact. Together, let’s drive evolution and growth.”

The GSM Medical Conference saw record attendance and engagement, with participants leaving inspired and motivated. The conference successfully highlighted the critical role of genomic science in holistic health, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose among attendees. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many participants expressing a renewed commitment to their work and the broader mission of GSM.

By focusing on the holistic impact of genomic advancements and highlighting the pivotal role of each participant, we created a conference experience that inspired and engaged pharmaceutical scientists. The GSM Medical Conference not only showcased cutting-edge scientific progress but also reinforced the collective effort needed to drive evolution and growth in human health.